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IWA 6-20-01

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Carol Heffler, Audrey Delnicki, Barbara Kelly, Richard Nicholason and John O’Connell
STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Richard Muller sitting for Audrey Wasik

ITEM:  Minutes

It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to approve the minutes of April 4, 2001, April 18, 2001 and May 16, 2001 (with amendments)

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

(Attachment A)

ITEM:  Wetland Officer’s Report

(Attachment B)

ITEM:  Old Business

Appl. #00-58P, Strawberry Fields Condominiums

Jeff explained to the Commission that he felt this application would have normally been handled through a change order at the staff level, but due to public interest it was thought the Commission should hear these modifications.

Mr. Peter DeMallie from Design Professionals came before the Commission to present the modifications that are being requested for this application.  The modifications to this plan are as follows:

The access drive has been requested to be moved along the northeast corner of what is known as the Mitchell property.
Just over 12 acres on the east side of West Road has been given to the Town of South Windsor in exchange for the ½ acre for the access driveway.
The entire barn on this site will be used for a community center as well as storage.

There will be a net reduction of the building footprints in the upland review area.
The two parking lots that had been approved previously will now be one larger parking lot adjacent to the community center.

Answering questions from the Commission, Mr. DeMallie explained that there would be no changes to the grading of basin #1.  The unit sizes have increased, but the buildings have not gotten any taller and the impervious coverage has stayed the same.

Mr. Galen Semprebon came before the Commission and explained the locations of the drywells that will service each unit.  He told members that the number of drywells have increased, however, the area being serviced with drywells has been reduced.

Motion to:      Accept the proposed changes as a modification to the original permit.

Was made by Commissioner O’Connell
Seconded by Commissioner Heffler
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

The conditions from the previous application will apply to this modification, which are as follows:

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon, must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South
        Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed
        operation or use.

The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on January 3, 2006.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any
        activity on the site.

A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $30,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission for the construction an establishment of the detention basins.  The bond will be released after two growing seasons to ensure proper establishment of plants.

We recommend a bond in the amount of $20,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission to ensure compliance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures.

Staff will work with the applicant to include the operation and maintenance plan for the stormwater structures into the Condo Associations’ Declaration.

Vegetative clearing for the walking path should be confined to the aea necessary for the installation of the path.  Any further clearing must be approved by the Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission.

Topsoil requirements for the water quality basins and swale will include 12” of topsoil amended with well composted organic matter to 30% by volume.

Plantings in the basins and the swale to be supervised by the Environmental Consultant.

Have the Environmental Consultant make recommendations on the incorporation of Blue Bird Houses and other birdhouses that may tend to mitigate undesirable insects and provide some additional nesting habitat.

Northeast Utilities

Mr. Stan Watson from Utilities came before the Commission to explain what will be done within the wetlands on this project.  Mr. Watson presented the Commission with a map (Attachment C) which shows all the activity that will be taking place.  The powerline has been moved as far away from residential property lines as possible.

Answering questions from Commission members, Mr. Watson explained that if there are any difficulties crossing wetlands, Northeast Utilities could come back to the Commission.  If an area is to be developed more than originally anticipated, there will be an adjustment to site practices.  Replanting of areas disturbed is not a normal practice for Northeast Utilities, but the idea has not been ruled out.  It was also noted that since there will be tree removal, a lot of sun will be introduced to these areas.  Vegetation should naturally return on its own.

Mr. Richard Shaker of 130 Carriage Drive came before the Commission to discuss alternatives for this proposal.  Mr. Shaker felt the poles could be erected on the opposite side of the existing transmission lines in order to be as far from the residents as possible.  A wire could be placed underground in order to cross the right of way.

Mr. Watson told residents that there would be very little impact to the wetlands.  Most of the access roads are existing and there will be some changes in wetland vegetation.

Mr. Paul Uccello of 120 Bridlewood came before the Commission to ask why the existing structures could not be used.  There would be no disturbance to the wetlands or tree cutting.

Mr. Watson explained that the transmission structures on the system do not support any voltage underneath them on the same structures for safety and engineering reasons.  The plans proposed are showing the poles and transmission lines as close as they possibly can be.

Mr. Mark Snyder, 191 Bourbon Street came before the Commission.  He stated if the poles where placed in the location previously discussed (opposite side of the transmission line than what is being proposed), this would make a lot of tax payers very happy.  Mr. Snyder requested that this Commission work with North East Utilities to come up with a plan that could satisfy all parties involved.

Mr. Len Mediaville from the Connecticut Light & Power Company told Commission members and residents that the other side of the transmission line has been considered, but enough space to dismantle and construct new ones is necessary.  The other side of the right of way is scheduled to have a new transmission line constructed within the next 5 years.  At that point one of the other lines will be dismantled in order to have space to upgrade at a later date.

Conservation Easement Discussion

Town Attorney Barry Guliano came before the Commission and reviewed changes made to the ordinance regarding Acquisition of Conservation Easements and Open Space Properties.  The revised ordinance is dated 6/4/01.  A copy of the draft ordinance will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission for their review and revisions if necessary.

Town Attorney Guliano told Commission members he would like to bring the ordinance before the Town Council at the July 2, 2001 meeting for discussion and also schedule a public hearing on this item.

After a brief discussion it was decided that when an easement is released, all abutting property owners will be notified by mail.

494 Abbe Road

Jeff brought to the Commission’s attention that at 494 Abbe Road, while C L & P was doing some work, an existing bridge on the property was destroyed.  Jeff asked Commission members if they felt an application would be necessary in order to replace the bridge.  Commission members discussed this situation and decided that no application would be necessary.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      Adjourn the meeting at 9: 15 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted

___________________________                ________________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                Date Approved